And I just now realize that I wanted to blog earlier :D Okay, I'm lazy and my memory is like what goldfishes have... by the way, I wanted to give you all a lecture about healthy lifestyle, so here it is.
I see lots of people acting like they're sooooo living a healthy lifestyle, while eating nothing but fast food and doing no sports. This is the way you shouldn't do it. Actually, in my opinion, with little changes you can do so much. I mean, for example you go to school/work/anything by bus. Start to go like 5 minutes earlier and walk through two stops. Then do it between more stops ;) (okay, actually, in the middle of the city, maybe this isn't the best XD) This is how I do it, I walk to school everyday :) And try to find a sport that suits. Don't necessarly think about the usual, overused ones-even though they're good-you can search for one unusual, and then everyone will be like "Oh, what's it, it's cool!" :) I recommend martial arts, from my experience.
About food. I really really know how hard is to don't buy all the chocolate you can and if it's sale in the nearest shop that sells cakes... but try to eat something else instead. Like... fruits. (Okay, most likely I'm sounding like your mom now) Really, you can find really tasty fruits everywhere :). And, cheeses, yogurt are really useful too :) try to eat something from these at every second meal, and it'll work-I think.
Most people want to go on diet to lose weight. Well, about this, I can't help, I just have one advice: don't want too much. Don't want to be someone you can't. Remember: you're beautiful, no matter what others say. Try to accept yourself. If you want to change because someone says so, it can cause more harm then if you stay yourself. If you want to change because you want to-think about if is it really you, who wants it, and it's not about someone saying something rude. Just be yourself, you'll find a way ;) (these are really cliché things, but they work)
And now I feel really hypocrite. Do you know why? Because I fight with my demons, and they are actually myself. I'm on a diet too, I try to become thinner, etc. But I'm closer to my goal than I was when I started. And I know people who could accomplish this. So can you ;) And if you want some help, I'm here.
So, the lesson is: live healthy and try to feel comfortable in your skin. And cherish every little sucess, cause they mean that you can do it.
So, here's an apple to bring your appetite to fruits ;) doesn't it look tasty? :)
Goodnight! :)
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