2012. november 30., péntek

Do it yourself bracelets :)

Hey :)
Today, as on every last Friday of November, in school we had a little "market" (I don't know the name of it in English, the Hungarian phrase is "bolhapiac") where the little kids, like 3rd and 4th graders sold their things, which they're bored of for really low prize. By really low prize, I mean that I spent less than $1 for a bracelet, a pair of earrings, a keyhanger and some other stuff. I guess the children were just happy that they sold something :)
The bracelet I found was a really ugly one, but I had an idea so I made it a lot better :)

 This is the original one, I didn't like the flowery pattern, and it had some mistakes on it, etc, so, in my opinion, it was really ugly.

So, I searched for a black ribbon and started to put it on the bracelet :)

At this point I ran out of black ribbon, but I found a crimson one, which is also good :)

And this is how it looks done :)

I really like how it turned out, I guess I should to things like this more often :) Most of my bracelets are these kind of homemade ones, or ones I found in drawers and made a bit better, I only wear one what isn't made or changed by me, it was a gift from my best friend :)
If you like this idea, feel free to leave a comment :)
Have a good day/night :) xx

2012. november 29., csütörtök

One week

I just realized that it was one week ago that I decided that I'll make a blog-and I made it :).
And I also seen that the clock here doesn't working properly-or is it just my computer?-I'll try to fix it, I don't like that it shows a wrong hour...
xoxo Alice

Some cactus and random pics

Hello everyone :) sorry that there weren't any blog posts in the last two days, I was busy... (kay, this is not true, I was just lazy :D)
Finally today I had a little time to take some pictures... I realized that my problem is that I don't have time to go out somewhere and take pictures, just on weekend. Maybe I'll make myself to go out tomorrow...
But here there are some from today :)

Cactus from random places :)

My bracelets , or pieces from them :D

A lamp which really looks good in my opinion :)

And some older pics ;):

Another inside plant and waterdrops :)

Maybe an apple-tree's flowers, I don't remember...

Oh yeah, these are the most beautiful flowers I know :) (besides roses, but they deserve their own post :D)

I know that these are not really good, but this is what I have right now :) have an amazing day :)

2012. november 26., hétfő

One other poem

I just found this, that's originally in English :) enjoy!

Empty lights                                                           
I lie here, frozen with open eyes,  
Let me go, let me fly                                             
I can't move, everything's white                              
They're staring at me, empty lights                         
Leaving me without voice to scream                     
Sending chills                                                      
Freezing me down                                                
Let me go!                                                           
Everything's empty and I'm numb.
I lost everything that's me
It doesn't hurt, it's worse
Being numb and empty
I'm dreaming, I know
But I can't let go.
I'm sinking down...
Let me go!
Waking up in darkness, screaming
Alone, alone
I wish the lights back
Finally they let me go.

and a photo of my collection, to illustrate it, and to illustrate my pathetic photoshop skills :D
My eye isn't that colour, it's actually a pretty different, but I wanted this :)
Have a good night :)

A little poetry

I promised you poetry too, so here it is :) I only found one about autumn, which is originally in Hungarian so sorry if it's not that good... and I changed things in the translation, but the most of it had stayed.

Wind of the autumn

Falling silence sits on everything
Orange-yellow leaves are falling
Dirty shoes walk the road
Cold breeze holds around
Her, the rain falls like liquid kisses
Girl from the wind stops and hisses,
And she goes, her brown eyes
Are cloudy mirrors of decay and lies.

Do you like it? :) In case someone Hungarian wanders around, I'll type down the original too...why not?

Őszi szél

Lehulló csend ül a tájra
Falevél hull, narancs, sárga
Sáros csizma jár az úton
Szellő fújja, hűvös burkot
Fúj rá, köré, eső zizeg,
Szél leánya megáll, sziszeg,
Majd elindul, barna szeme
Ősz s elmúlás borult tükre.

Feel free to leave a feedback :)
xo Alice

2012. november 25., vasárnap

Just a few pics

It turned out that I have a half an hour to post some pictures, so here's a little of the ones I took this weekend ;) just cause then you can see a little :)

A similar pic is the background now, I really like this pic :)

On a tree I found :)

One of my favourite pics and one of my fav things to take pictures about :) there's a better pic, but I'm holding it back... :D

Even though it's autumn, you still can find little flowers in the grass, just be aware :)

Autumn colours <3

All completely unedited pics :) I often do a little work in Photoshop on my better pictures, I'll show one of these ones when I'll have time.
Feel free to leave any comments about the photos or the blog, I apperciate any kinds of feedback :)
Goodnight :)


A little late, but here's my second post (I wanted to blog earlier, but I didn't have time).
So: what will be this blog about? It'll be about me. My interests, and what I do in life. Mostly about my photos. Yes, I'm a photographer, but it's only a hobby, I'm not that good-yet ;) I'll use this blog to share my photos. And it'll also be about poems and novels, not necessarily just mine (yes, I'm a writer too) :) and also about music I love, clothes and my style, my inspirations in life, Maths and Chemistry and other science stuff (since I'm in a special Mathclass) and about how I fight with my demons... you'll just find out what does this mean.
And you can recommend me topics anytime, I'll may even talk about them :)
So, that's for tonight, I wanted to post more but I have to go to sleep *yawn*. Goodnight!

2012. november 22., csütörtök

Hey :)

Hey, I'm Alice, as you may see it from the title :) And I start blogging here... not daily, but when I have time. About what? About my life. And in English, even though I'm Hungarian. You'll see how it'll turn out. I'll post... poems, short novels, photos, music I recommend... stuff like that. I'm not good in this thing, so let time decide how it'll turn out :)
xo Alice