2013. február 15., péntek

My apologies...

...for not blogging. Believe me, I wanted, but fate didn't want me. The sad situation is that both my laptop and camera was stolen, so you won't get new pics too soon. Though, I'll try to solve it somehow, but until, the only things you'll get are my thoughts about...stuff. My only luck is that my old pics are in safety...
Maybe I'll found some interesting pics on my phone-the device I use now. Bless god for wifi!! Maybe, I'll have more time for blogging, cause on my laptop I was busy writing my book, and on a phone, I obiviously can't do that. We'll see...
Ya know, sometimes I wish life was a Math problem. They usually have a clear solution in the end and logic thoughts meanwhile-while our lives don't really seem to. (That's the deepest thought you can get from a Math student :D) That's whats on my mind right now. I really need to sleep :D
Goodnight everyone!
Xoxo Alice

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