2013. április 10., szerda


Yeap, the sunshine outside is motivational :) A least I feel powerful and stuff :D so come on, if it shines there too (or even if it's not) use it to motivate you, to make changes ;) like starting to work out or to start eat healthier, it's time to start! Summer is coming anyways ;D
Here there are some sunny pictures from today so if it's not that nice there at you, you'll be reminded how amazing it is :)

The second is edited but I think it's obivious :D
I need a real camera though... soon! And maybe then I'll be able to post normal photos not just the ones I'm taking cause I'm bored :D

Weird how I'm writing about sunshine when the sun is about to go down right now...nevermind, it still shines :D
Have a good evening beautifuls!
xoxo Alice

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