2013. augusztus 20., kedd

What was that thing...

about me having a blog? Oh now I remember... sorry for my absence, but personal stuff got me away from blogging, and I don't really had things to blog about. But I will be back soon with the results of some photographing project I've did :) stay awesome until :D

2013. július 26., péntek


suck, and I've been absent for a while. Blame it on having no internet in the last 7 days, in a really-really-really great camp :) well, c'est la vie... but summer is passing, etc so everything's normal. My camera is back, repaired, so new pics soon :D in the camp, I took some, but not with my own stuff, so I don't have those pics yet. And the girl who owns that, owes me still some other pics... so yep :D
I hope you hasd good days too :D
xoxo Alice

2013. július 9., kedd

Yes, I'm aware...

...of the fact that I haven't blogged since a while, and I'd like to apologize for that. Though I don't know if anyone missed me. Whatever.
The sad situation is that my camera broke (that stupid piece of shit...), and I have no idea if it can be fixed, and when will it be fixed... and I'm lazy as fuck so I can't be made to search for old pics. I don't veen have an idea about where the winchester is. Summer makes me even lazier. Meh.
So, this post is like this, not so happy one, but well...hopefully I'll be back with bigger energy soon :D

2013. június 29., szombat

Having fun...

...with photshop right now... I missed it, to be honest (changing computers, you know). It's fun, and has maaaaany functions I can play around with :D here there is the thing I made in the last half an hour and I'm proud of:
this is my new background on the laptop :D the original flower is orange...I think that on the background, it's obvious that it's edited, or the lenses were really purple, but I'll work on that :D

Have a nice day!

2013. június 20., csütörtök

1000 pageviews

Thankyouthankyouthankyooouu!!!! You made a simple girl really happy :) sooooo...big thanks :) and *big virtual hugs*
xoxo Alice

2013. június 16., vasárnap

This time...

... I will let the photos speak. Either because I'm lazy, or because they're not that good. Whatever.

2013. június 14., péntek


Yeap, school has ended for me this schoolyear :) AND I JUST HAD TO SHARE THIS HAPPINESS WITH YOU ALL!! :D :3 I only need to attend to the ceremony where we get that certificate (google translate told me it's that) with our grades-though I know them all :) and they're not even bad :) and then, I won't see the school until the first of september, when it starts again :) yaay!! :)